Thursday, April 30, 2009

Once again, I am merely saying there is no sky-guy floating around, involved in our ugly insanity. If we've learned anything from history, if history has taught us anything, it is that we are on our own, racing through the cosmos like a run-away fire truck. I am desperately trying to communicate with anyone with a morsel of noetic sentience dwelling within them to see the reality of our actions with regard to this immature God notion. Some day people will look back at us with the same serious curiosity we look back at a primordial time when we were wearing bear skins, throwing stone axes, and squatting next to fires; only our transcendents will call the last five thousand or so terrible years the "Age Of Religiosity." And, they will study it with a profound sorrow that humans wasted several millennia psychologically trying to communicate with an imaginary entity that wasn't there. Is it possible that WE are just a botched attempt by Nature at becoming self-aware?